Wallpaper Q&A for Your Installer

You build a house, you hire a contractor. You get married, you hire a wedding planner. Time do to your taxes, you hire a CPA.

Ready to install wallpaper? You hire an installer.

Today, we’re going to demystify the process of working with a wallpaper installer, folks. I know there’s a DIY route for all of the above (except do NOT youtube how to build a house …definitely hire a contractor) …but let’s take out the fear of working with an installer, mkay?

I’ve got an upcoming wallpaper install for my daughter’s room, any maybe a few other places. So I swiped my brain of ALL things I know about wallpaper installation, pure Will Smith in Men In Black style and asked my wallpaper installer ALL kinds of questions as if it were my very first meeting with an installer. …and I also had him ask ME questions too!

A Quick Note:

I love to share. …words and products and home stories. This post may contain some of my favorite things - some of those things my contain affiliate links. This just means that if you end up purchasing anything through me, I might receive a little kick-back.

What I share is very intentional and
only items I’ve allowed to enter my own home - tried and true.


01 // What kind of wallpapers are you able to work with?
For traditional wallpaper, you’ll want an installer that is familiar with whatever type of installation your wallpaper choice is offered in.

02 // Are there any projects or spaces of yours I’d be able to visit?
It never hurts to ask for referrals or spaces you’d be able to visit to see the craftsmanship. …but chances are, if you get a referral for an installer from an interior designer or friendly contractor, that’s plenty reassurance.

03 // What preparations can I do on my end to save time or money?

Walls do need to be prepped a certain way for wallpaper. If this is a new construction journey, let your contractor know what walls you plan on wallpapering. If you do want to DIY part of this journey, you can always ask what needs to be done to textured sheetrock/drywall to get the wall ready.

04 // How much time should we allocate for install day?
For new construction, it’s helpful to let the project manager know how much time to allocate for scheduling purposes. For an existing space, it’s helpful to know regardless to better prepare to take time to be present during the install.



01 // What is the width of the wallpaper roll? …and is the wallpaper sold by the linear yard or bolt?
Math not your thing? No worries. That’s why we’ve got wallpaper installers. Let your installer know the width of the roll and whether your wallpaper choice is sold by the linear yard or by the bolt (and how much yardage is on the bolt).

02 // What size is the repeat?
Wallpaper installers may want to know the size of the repeat. Every seamless pattern is filled with artwork that is repeated in some fashion. The wallpaper you purchase should have all this listed on the specs.

03 // Is your wallpaper traditionally installed, pre-pasted, or peel and stick?
by Hope wallpapers are all traditionally installed, not-pre-pasted (installers love this). …but whatever route you go, your installer will need to know the answer to this question in order to give you an estimate. You can always ask for a quote on a couple of different wallpaper installation options if you haven’t decided.

04 // Will your wallpaper have trim & join markers?
by Hope wallpapers have trim and join markers. Some installers like to know what the selvage of the wallpaper is like in order to prepare for the ease of the job and estimate for any custom trimming that will need to be done.

05 // What is the estimated size of the space of wall to be wallpapered?
A rough measurement can be a simple “my wall is about X feet wide by X feet tall.” Your installer will come out to get a firm measurement for a firm quote, but it doesn’t hurt to give him/her an idea ahead of time.

06 // Is this for new construction or existing construction?
Walls do need to be prepped a certain way for wallpaper. If this is a new construction journey, let your contractor know what walls you plan on wallpapering. For walls that are already textured, sanding and smoothing will need to be done.


You don’t have all of the answers to the questions above.

…and that’s aye okay.

But having a grip on questions you may be asked or you may want to ask will definitely make the process nice and smooth.

Not ready to chat with an installer yet? Still making the commitment? I get it.

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by Hope Johnson | inspired my nostalgia and comfort

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